3 Month 1:1 Mind and Body Healing


Personalized Private Coaching with Shannon.

 What's included

  •  A personalized meal plan and custom strategy to reduce inflammation and jump start your metabolism which will help you see the physical progress of this whole body healing.

  •  Weekly 1:1 calls and access to instant messaging for guidance and support between calls, so it's like you have me in your back pocket for guidance and support.

  •  A step by step online guide to the weekly lessons so this process builds upon itself, giving every step a sense of ease.

  • Subconscious reprogramming workbook and exercises for both mind and body to rewire your internal programming so you EASILY choose the behaviors that serve you!

  • A care package shipped directly to you with tools and resources that will help support this evolution of your mind, body and soul.

Are you ready to harness your POWER to create a life you love free from self sabotage and limiting beliefs?


$4,500.00 USD

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