Want to Feel Better in Your Body?
Feb 29, 2024
Do you want to feel better in your body and take better care of yourself but your overwhelming "to do" list is already overwhelming enough that adding one more thing feels exhausting, even if it is self care? If so, I get it and I know how to help. I mastered permanent evolution and have helped my clients do the same and you can too, I will show you how. I have tailored this program to give you maximum results in the least amount of time, giving you bite sized and easily digestible tools at just the right time.
First things first, let's get crystal clear on what you are aiming for and what your motivation is. This will be the big picture goal, we will get into the details later. Fill up an entire piece of paper freely writing what ever comes to mind from these prompts:
What do you want your body and your life to look like? How do you want to feel? Incorporate your senses and emotions to amplify the power of this exercise. Do you want to feel strong, energetic, and flexible? Maybe to want freedom from pain and inflammation?
What are the 3 most important values in your life? These are core beliefs and priorities that remain consistent through out our life. Do you value community, curiosity and fun? Perhaps it's family, balance and trust.
Have fun, dream big and get creative!